About Me

I am a last year PhD student advised by Dr. Ricardo Jacobi (University of Brasília) and co-advise Dr. Anderson Nascimento(University of Washington) in the Computer Science Department at the University of Brasília.

I am broadly interested in Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning. Currently, my research focuses on privacy-preserving machine learning and cybersecurity.

I earned my Master's in Computer Engineering advised by Paulo Barreto from the University of São Paulo in 2010 with a thesis on Analyzing the feasibility of implementing post-quantum algorithms based on multivariate quadratic quasigroups processing platforms is limited. I receive my Bachelor's in Computer Science from University of Amazonas in 2003.

I like drawing, reading, and watching movies when I am not working.

Publications & Awards

Papers on Arxiv

  • S. Pentyala, D. Railsback, R. Maia, R. Dowsley, D. Melanson, A. Nascimento, M. De Cock Training Differentially Private Models with Secure Multiparty Computation (arXiv)


  • Melanson D, Maia R, Kim HS, Nascimento A, De Cock M. Secure Multi-Party Computation for Personalized Human Activity Recognition. Neural Processing Letters. 2023 Mar 10:1-27. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11063-023-11182-8
  • Enamoto L, Santos AR, Maia R, Weigang L, Filho GP. Multi-label legal text classification with BiLSTM and attention. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 2022;68(4):369-78.
  • Maia, Ricardo José Menezes, Paulo Sérgio Licciardi Messeder Barreto, and Bruno Trevizan de Oliveira. "Implementation of multivariate quadratic quasigroup for wireless sensor network." Transactions on Computational Science XI: Special Issue on Security in Computing, Part II (2010): 64-78. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-17697-5_4


  • Winner of Track III of the iDASH2021 secure genome analysis competition. (HTML)